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Firefighting 3 & 4

Pathway: Health Science, Criminal Justice, & Public Safety

Grade: 12
Credit: 2

This program is designed to provide advanced training in firefighting skills such as extinguishing liquid and gas/vapor fueled fires, auto extrication, hazardous materials response practices, advanced search and rescue skills and team leadership skills. 

Course fee: $40.00.


  • Firefighter         
  • Paramedic Hazmat Technician         
  • EMT

Equipment / Uniform List for Firefighting Course

Below you will find the list of items the student is responsible for purchasing prior to the start of this class. The prices listed are approximate based on those listed at the Army & Navy Surplus Store located at 7560 Pecos St. Items can be purchased at other retail stores (WalMart, Amazon, other surplus stores) if desired.

  • Ripstop BDU Pant, dark blue or black   $29.99 and up
  • 6" or 8" Tactical Boot black, or black boot with toe protection   $29.99 and up
  • Tactical Duty Belt, black   $9.99
  • Work Glove Unlined, reinforced palm $13.99

Course uniform will consist of pants, boots, and belt listed above. A dark blue T shirt or polo will be worn until students design/decide on a class shirt. Boots must have toe protection.

Instructor:  Joel Sherry or Kyle Naas
