Five Star Staff wins workforce development award
Five Star Staff wins workforce development award
September is Workforce Development month, and we are proud to share that FutureForward at Bollman Principal, Janet Renden, received the Adams County Workforce Development Board's 2024 Member of the Year award. The following comments were shared as Janet received the award: "Janet is an exceptional individual who has made an impact on our Workforce Development Board. She has served on the board for the past six years and has brought an invaluable perspective to the Board. Her insightful expertise in career and technical education have effectively bridged the gap between education and workforce. She has ensured that the Board's initiatives not only address the current needs of employers but also anticipate and adapt to emerging workforce trends. Today, as we celebrate Janet as our Board Member of the Year, we acknowledge her commitment to the Board and extend our heartfelt thanks and congratulations. Her leadership, dedication, and passion have been inspiring."
Special thanks to the FutureForward community for submitting this Five Star Story.
This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: World-Class Staff. Sharing stories about how staff is compensated, supported and trained to foster student success and family partnerships.
- FutureForward