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EmPWR Day 2.0: Inclusiveness in CTE

Female student working on a vehicle

Monday, February 3, 2025
8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Open for district students in grades 8-11.

Join us for a FREE day of hands-on educational and career workshops at one of our FutureForward campuses. Formerly known as Girls' Day In, this event has transformed to include any student in grades 8-11 interested in exploring career and technical education in Adams 12 Five Star Schools. 

The location you attend will depend on workshop of choice:

  • Bollman Campus9451 Washington Street, Thornton, CO 80229
  • Washington Square Campus12521 Washington Street, Thornton, CO 80241
  • Student is responsible for their own transportation.  

Lunch is provided. A variety of sandwiches, including vegetarian options, will be served, along with chips, drinks and dessert. Students may pack a lunch if they prefer.

Space is limited.
Register by January 24, 2025. 

Register today!

FutureForward unifies all of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programming across Adams 12 Five Star Schools and gives all students a competitive advantage as they enter college, career or the military.

Students in FutureForward:

  • Explore opportunities that prepare them for high-demand careers and give them an edge entering college.
  • Engage in authentic, hands-on learning.
  • Equip themselves with relevant, rigorous and practical skills.

Learn more.


8:30 am: 
Check-in & welcome

9:00 am: 
Hands-on workshops

12:00 pm: 
Lunch break

12:30 pm: 
Hands-on workshops

2:45 pm: 
Q&A and wrap-up

EmPWR Day Flyer (English Version)

First page of the PDF file: 2025_EmPWR_Flyer_FEB_ENG_Final

EmPWR Day Flyer (Spanish Version)

First page of the PDF file: 2025EmPWRDayflyerSpanish