Attendance Policy
Parents/Guardians must report their student’s absence by calling Bollman's attendance office within two school days of the school day absent. Failure to do this will result in an unexcused absence. Students may be required to attend Bollman classes on days that the home high school is not in session or on a modified schedule.
Absences – It is the school’s responsibility to identify each absence as authorized (excused) or unauthorized (unexcused). Parents/Guardians are required to provide the school with an explanation of why a student is missing class. The appropriate administrator will decide if the absences are authorized or unauthorized.
Examples of authorized absences (with documentation).
- A doctor’s appointment
- Family emergencies or hardship (i.e. death in the family, etc.)
- Absences required by a legal body (court, juvenile authorities or police)
- Military obligations
- Religious observances generally recognized by an established and bona fide religious
Example of unauthorized absences. This is not an all-inclusive list.
- Taking a family member to work or school
Alarm clock failure or getting up late.
- Traffic
- Car trouble
- Doing work for another class
- Avoiding a test or class activity
- Babysitting
- Other excuses as deemed by administrator
All tardies and consequences will be handled in each individual teacher’s class unless it becomes a defiance of authority issue.
Parents may excuse up to five (5) absences per semester without documentation. Absences beyond five (5) will be considered unexcused unless proper documentation is provided.
Students shall be responsible for all work missed.
Documentation of Absences
Parents/Guardians should be ready to present documentation regarding any request to authorize an absence. Proper documentation must have the times and dates of the absences identified and be on paper work reasonably documenting the absence. Proper documentation includes court documents, medical/ dental office notes, or other documents proving the absences meets the previously established criteria for authorized absences. For prearranged absences, the parents and students must get prior approval from the school.
Parent Monitoring of Student Attendance
Bollman encourages parents/guardians to monitor student attendance to ensure that the student is not excessively absent from school. Parents can monitor student’s attendance through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
The following policies are available on the school district website ( and/or the home high school student/parent handbook.
- Safe Schools
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Attendance
- Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices
- Student Use of District Technology and the Internet
- Discipline Procedures
- Co-Curricular Student Organizations
- Student Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Offenses
- Tobacco, Nicotine and Controlled Substance Delivery Mechanisms
- Student Tobacco Possession and Use
- Student Dress Code
- Student Bullying, Harassment, Hazing, Intimidation and Threatening Behavior
- Student Parking Policies
Your student may be around potentially hazardous equipment and may be participating in potentially hazardous activities inherent in their Career & Technical program. Each student will be given instruction in the proper use of equipment and correct safety procedures before being allowed to operate equipment to perform tasks. The student must assume responsibility for following safe practices and is required to subscribe to the following safety procedures:
- Follow all safety rules for the lab, shop, and/or classroom.
- Never use equipment without first having permission from the instructor and understanding all proper operating procedures.
- Score 100% on the safety test.
- Report any hazardous condition, accident or injury to the instructor immediately.