Advanced Medical Sciences 1 & 2 - CNA
Grade: 12
Credit: 2.5
Semester 1
- .5 Science-Pathophysiology
- .5 Fine Practical Arts/Elective
Semester 2
- .5 Science-Pathophysiology
- 1.0 Fine Practical Arts/Elective
The Medical Sciences II CNA program is designed for the mature, responsible student wishing to investigate health related careers. Students interested in registering for this program should have a serious interest and long-term goal of employment in the medical field. A strong commitment to the program is necessary to be successful in this class. This program emphasizes character building, honesty, integrity, and professionalism. The core of the curriculum is focused on the following curriculum: medical terminology, pathophysiology, basic nursing skills, career exploration, safety practices, ethics, and human relations. All are delivered through classroom, laboratory, and clinical situations. Students successfully completing this course will receive their CPR/First Aid Certification. They will also be eligible to take the Nurse Aide exam with the Board of Nursing to become certified nursing assistants, if all portions of the course, including clinicals, are successfully completed. Students are encouraged to participate in HOSA (Future Health Professionals) and may participate in fundraising activities for conferences and competitions.
MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella)
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
Hepatitis B ((Hep B can take up to six months to complete)
Varicella (chicken pox)
Influenza & COVID-19
All immunizations must be completed by November 1st. Health care facilities will NOT accept Exempt. If you have an exemption on your immunization record you must have liters drawn and submitted to show that you are immune.
- TB(Tuberculosis)
- Criminal Background Check – Due November 1st
Go to: Select FutureForward at Bollman and follow prompts.
Clinical facilities require a criminal background check on each student prior to allowing them to participate in clinical experiences at their facilities. Cost is $25.00 if under age 18 and $30.00 if over 18.
- Successful completion of Medical Sciences I, CP/AP Anatomy & Physiology, or other CP or AP science course in the 11th grade year
- Excellent attendance
- Teacher recommendation (Science, Math, or Medical Science I instructor only)
Semester 1:
This course is offered in a two-hour block that includes classroom work, labs, field trips, and guest speakers.
Semester 2:
This course is offered in a three-hour block to include clinical experiences working with patients in a hospital, nursing home, and/or internship site settings. Students must provide their own transportation for the four week clinical experiences. Students enrolled in the 6/7/8 block must provide their own transportation after 8th hour second semester.
Student Requirements:
1. Students must have 75% or higher in the course curriculum standards and teacher recommendation to continue in this class second semester
2. Business attire is required for presentations, HOSA, and off-site locations. Uniforms are required for clinicals.
3. Students are required to have the following items for clinical and internship experiences:
- a. Watch with second hand (analog)
- b. Black scrub pants (no sweats, leggings, or jeans) and turquoise scrub top
- c. Closed-toe shoes (tennis shoes or nursing, etc.)
- e. Tattoos must not be visible during clinicals
- f. No facial piercings and only a single post in each ear
- g. Nails must be kept clean and short. No artificial nails.
- h. Appropriate hair color is required during clinicals
Students are required to complete 50 hours of service learning work in a health care or other approved setting in the community. Students should begin accruing these hours in the SUMMER prior to the start of school.
Course fee: $50.00
Registered Nurse
- Kathleena Blackmon
- Tania Figueroa Pena
- Brianne Hester